Okay, so here is some art from my random stuff. One is about a kid named Grim who goes about an inner city atmosphere and fights crime. And I think the rest are just pics of cool looking people who don't yet have a story to tell.
So Jake here! I am writing a novel (Maybe I'll post the first chapter when I type it up) called South of Eden... and no it has nothing to do with the somewhat popular movie East of Eden.
It this book we follow a young boy named Dirr (yes it sounds like the noise dumb people make when you force them to think... and the name might change eventually) and his sister Maleia. Their world is stricken with a sickness called the Ether. Yes, yes I know! Ether is good! It heals your MP, I've had all my D&D crazed friends rant on this! I know! But that is part of the mystery, why would they name something so evil with the name of something good and healing??? So anyhow, I was drawing some concepts for the story before I realized that I didn't want to make this into a comic. So it's going to be a novel at this point. Here are some random characters that I have placed into the wonderful world of Chapharch!
Lookee everyone! The logo that you see at the top of my screen is created by future freelance artist Ben (for privacy reasons, his name is undisclosed, but in a few years you'll know him). Thanks so much! OH! and I will get new art up here, it's just my scanner is currently disconnected, so I gotta reconnect it. Happy days and a barrel of Monkeys!